Outhouse near completion

This turned out that it was not totally from scrap materials, but finally getting close to finishing the outhouse project.

One of our recent farm volunteer said that he was interested in using scrap materials to do some building and claimed his adequacy for building skills so we did an outhouse building project.

He designed the building and made extra materials list that we needed to supplement with. he proceeded with his design only to find out later that I had to fix a lot of things.

I just need to add a door and it's done, but how do I keep the door light so it doesn't outweigh the entire structure.

Black bucket keeps wood chips. It's just a big planting pot so it drains water from rain. Wood chips keep the flies and smell away.

White bucket in the back catches rain water for washing hands and other uses.

Once the hole fills up this structure can be moved (with 2 people). and some things can be planted there to remove extra nutrients.

One common permaculture outhouse is to build the outhouse in banana patch circle so bananas keep utilizing the resources.


  1. A screen door to keep the bugs out might do.

  2. Thanks for your feedback. Screen door is light, but I don't know about privacy...
    Perhaps wooden frame with foggy plastic sheet will work.

  3. Hi,
    I'm looking for my friend Jessica L. I know she's woofing on an organic farm somewhere in Hawaii and she tried to find me on skype, my skype name is juliaplusdale, can you contact her ?


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