Cover crop and Turkey

Recently we planted cover crop seeds in newly planted tea field. Today I walked down to the field and found that there were some scratch marks like how chickens do.
Also, I saw some turkeys on the other side of the field scratching my new cover crop area.
Perhaps they are after all the grains and beans.
As long as someone is there, they keep distance, but when no one is around, they do what they want.

What's a good way to discourage them from pecking my cover crops?

One of our recent volunteers kept trying to catch a turkey. They are not very smart birds so if they get cornered, they get stuck and can't jump or fly.

He almost had it. He got close and almost caught it by hand, but got surprised how big it was. It's a bird, but it's BIG.

I once caught a wild peacock by hand, but it is a little scary. They have long neck and sharp beak that can peck your hands or face or eyes although I don't think they do once they get caught.

They are wild birds here, and I don't really want to look at them as pests, but seems like they are not very cooperating with my farming style.


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