Plants that grow with no fertilizers and what's going on with NPK?

I still don't get it, but it works. A lot of farmers who practice no-fertilizer farming say similar things.

There is definitely some that grow well and some that don't do so well without fertilizers. I recently planted two varieties of rice with no fertilizer, and they are growing very slowly. Sun light and water availability greatly affect the outcome.

I still don't understand why weeds grow so vigorous and tall and a lot of vegetables grow so pathetic in wild environment. Is it the seeds? or unsuitable environment? or what is it?

Organic fertilizers help plants grow in rainy environment without much sunlight, but still plants are created to grow in the sun, right? Then, soil-sun-water connection is the most important elements. In fact, it is not all NPK value that determines how plants grow. according to Natural farming principle, soil (earth element), sun (fire element) and water (water element) in fine balance makes plants grow. It's not nutrients in soil, but forces... Starting to sound more like biodynamic theory...

I am still experimenting and solving this mystery, but if one is patient, he even sees some seeds come from fertilizer farming start to grow after 1 month of no growth. First 2 sets of leaves are from energy stored in seeds, but the rest of growth come from the surrounding environment.


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