Cabbage is not growing..., but it was actuallly growing, we just didn't know

I came across an article written by one no-fertilizer farmer in Japan describing that his cabbage is not growing at first.  I have the same pattern, most things I plant, or transplant, they don't grow for 2-3 weeks.

He says that cabbage or most vegetables develop roots first so it doesn't get top heavy.  Like most organic or conventional vegetables grow almost immediately because they don't have to develop their roots because everything they need is given.

While no-fertilizer vegetables first send roots down deep before they reach nutrients or energy or whatever that help them grow, then start growing above surface growth. 

There is no worry if your vegetables are not growing at first as long as there is no nitrogen deficient environment.  The difference between nitrogen deficiency and no-fertilizer environment are nitrogen deficiency occurs due to fertilization.  no-fertilizer environment has no nitrogen deficiency because there is no nutrients. 

How do they grow then?  Cosmic energy?  paramagnetism? biological activity?  Whatever it is, it grows.  The important part is that it grows.  The most difficult part is to let go of conventional nutrient farming knowledge. 


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