Inner peace through tea

Tea and peace are always connected together.  Tea is a drink to calm and excite.  Peace is ...what is peace?  Peace gives great productivity and creativity to our mind.  Peaceful time throughout history in many nations, people and culture proliferated.  Peace gives people a creative outlet because there is less to worry about danger and possible control by instability of social conditions.

Tea is popularized by the practice of zen buddhism and mindfulness.  Drinking tea was not only for its health benefit, but also to practice being mindful and to live the moment.

Zen Master Zhaozhou of Tung dinasty and "Chichaqu" are speaking:

Master Zhaozhou to inquires with Monk 1:  Have you been here before?
Monk 1: No, I haven't
Master:  Have some tea
Master Z to Monk 2:  Have you been here before?
Monk 2:  Yes, I have
Master: Have some tea.
Temple manager: Master, for one who has been here and for one who has not, you give the same answer, to drink tea.  What is the reason?
Master to Temple manager: Have some tea!

Drinking tea is an act of being present.  Rich, poor, young, old, man, woman, all these differences are out of context.  We change our attitude toward who we are dealing with.  In tea service, all our social and economical differences are disregarded and we treat everybody at the table fairly and equally.


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