Getting things done without working, that's the nature's way

When man does not interfere the work of nature, instead realizing the unity between man and nature, the work gets done just by drinking a cup of tea.

I like seeing the plants grow without watering, weeding or fertilizers or pesticides.  One part of my mind speaks of its urgency to go take care of it, or else the plants will be buried in weeds and lack of water and nutrients will make the plants weak and eventually perish.  Other half of my mind speaks of taking it easy and let nature take care of it, and go fishing or something and forget about the existence of the small problems instead.

There is a fine balance of the working system in natural environment without excessive work done by man or overtaken by wild energy of nature.  Finding the right timing, balance and methods will enable us to use this natural farming principle to work.  Then finally we can appreciate small wonder of nature, and truly be exhilarated by a flock of birds flying over as beautiful.


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