Controlling weeds or being controlled by weeds

Summer is here.  Weeds are growing so fast along with cover crop and tea.  In some area certain kinds of cover crops are growing more vigorously than common weeds so that they suppress weeds quite effectively.  At the same time tea plants getting shaded by 6-7 foot tall grass.  I wonder which is better, cutting back weeds or cover crop.  At least the difference is more obvious in the soil.

This is another cover crop post.  It may be obvious that I spend so much time studying cover crops.

Being controlled by weeds
A lot of times we go out to the field and do some weeding, we are controlled by weeds.  We have to go out there and remove weeds.  This obsessive thinking of getting rid of weeds create rather polarized view toward the nature.  Nature does not judge what good weeds are and what bad weeds are.  They grow where they are supposed to.  They grow where they are called for.  Each type of weeds has their own intention and purposes.  Dandelion grow in disturbed open field and hard packed ground because they can stabilize the disturbed condition.

Controlling weeds
You want to be in this position when it comes to weed control.  Since it's farming, we still have to get the result and get harvest in one way or another.  In natural farming we have to remember that plants build soil since there is no fertilizer applied.  The best way is to select the desired plants for the current soil condition.  or we can also mix various types of cover crops, vegetables and weeds then they find where they belong and create beautiful landscape based on where they are most needed.  This idea somewhat harmonizes very well with Mr. Masanobu Fukuoka's seedball technique.

Mr Fukuoka describes that we just have to know that we don't know anything and nature has her own way of doing things and we just need to assist the great cause.  


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